HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield ...
1800年前,人类恶念凝聚而成的怪物—八歧大蛇肆虐人间,被以草薙家族为首的武术家们用三件神器封夜空中的星星,仿佛在诉说着我们的故事,那么遥远,又那么真实。。 现代,世界综合格斗大赛 - THE KING OF FIGHTERS(简称KOF)召开,全世界的格斗高手集聚南镇。草薙家族的传人-草薙京来到南镇之后,他敏锐地感觉到了大蛇之力的复苏,一切迹象表明KOF大赛背后隐蔽着一个庞大的阴谋。 随着KOF...
Pierre is a famous writer and explorer. But one drunken night, a terrible fall leaves him in a coma. When he wakes up, barely standing up and against everyone's advice, he decides to explore Fra...