In Josh Sternfeld's meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return t...
Having been discharged from the Marines for a hayfever condition before ever seeing action, Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith (Eddie Bracken) delays the return to his hometown, feeling that he is...
The story follows police officers Kata and Arnar, in charge of investigating gruesome murders from Iceland’s first serial killer. The unlikely pair slowly starts connecting the case to a mysterious ...
你的声音,是我心中最美的旋律,让我沉醉在其中无法自拔。After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropp...
你的影子在我心中徘徊,让我无法摆脱这份痴迷。In this emotionally charged thriller, Harper is forced to face horrifying secrets of her childhood in order to give her daughter a better future. But how far will she go to forge...
Tracy and his rescue dog Charger have to foil the plans of an Evil Businessman who wants to knock over their beach restaurant in order to build his golf course. With help from his brother, Tracy tries...
It tells the story of a discharged soldier who seeks out his father to help him with his dream of racing Supersport motorcycles雨中漫步,感受着你的气息,仿佛你就在我身边。...