Mike Rogers, a young and handsome chauffeur, falls in love with American heiress Ellie Goodman. The two marry in secret and decide to build their home at Gypsy's Acre, a rural beauty spot, despi...
4《Mike and Molly》定于2013年11月4日在美国CBS电视台首播,由Chuck Lorre Production 和Warner Bros. Television出品,Mark Roberts担任制作人。2013年3月27日CBS电视台宣布《Mike and Molly》续订4,将会有22集。2013年10月9日,它宣布4首集将在2013年11月4日回归有些人注定是过客,但有些...
Mike and Alison welcome the first guests to their new bijoux B&B, determined to get a glowing review, whatever the cost. Mary reveals she has never had a holiday, so Pat teaches her the joys and...