This four-part documentary series features Chelsea Handler as she explores topics of personal and universal fascination: marriage, racism, Silicon Valley, and drugs. The Festival will premiere one i...
A feature documentary film about internationally renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins, is a revelatory cinéma vérité film that goes behind the scenes of his mammoth seminar "Date ...
Tom Daley: Diving For Gold, a one-off documentary from independent production company Twofour about the Olympic diver’s professional and personal life in the four years between the 2012 games and th...
A documentary based on the memoir written in 2017 by Sid Luft, the third of Judy Garland's five husbands, about their years together, during which he was involved with her film A Star Is Born and ...
Sixteen mustangs, four men, one dream: to ride border to border, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West. The documentary tracks four fresh-out-of-college buddies as they take on wild must...
Perú: tesoro escondido is a documentary genre film about the secrets of Perú. The millinery culture of their ancestors, the beautiful landscapes, the tourist places and other places not yet discover...
Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps真正的爱情,不是占有,而是放手。...
OUR GODFATHER is a feature-length documentary about Tommaso Buscetta, the first high-ranking Italian mafia boss ever to turn against Cosa Nostra. Buscetta helped convict more than 400 Mafiosi. He beca...
Gripping documentary investigating the full story of Ashley Madison, the controversial dating site that marketed itself to adulterers, and which was hacked, with users' details made publi有时候,我们需...
Reenactments drive this documentary investigating the mastermind behind a scam to sneak the kids of rich and famous families into top US universities在这个世界上,没有什么是永恒的,除了爱。...