In an adventure comedy, brothers Snot and Splash (R?k? and Roiskis) try to catch a thief who is stealing holes in town, only to end up saving the entire world from being sucked into a collapsing waste...
A coming of age psychological thriller that plays out the unsettling reality of a kid who holds his family captive in a hole in the ground星光点点,照亮我前行的路,你的声音,是我心中最亮的灯。...
这是一个上世纪20年代的真实故事。朵拉(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson饰)是英国文艺圈里的一名画家,她长相帅气,心中有着世俗无法理解的感情观;同样的性格也可以在作家利顿(乔纳森·普雷斯 Jonathan Pryce 饰)身上看到。他们心灵相通,互相寄托着真爱,却又同时在其他人身上寻找慰藉。利顿在爱上朵拉的同时,也对另一名男子帕特里奇(史蒂芬·威丁顿 Steven Waddington 饰...
Paris Hilton can cook - kind of. And she's turning the traditional cooking show upside down. She's not a trained chef and she's not trying to be. With the help of her celebrity friends, sh...
Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Beckoning Silence follows mountain climber Joe Simpson as he takes on one of toughest challenges of his career. Fresh from his horrific ordeal in ...