西德尼·扬(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)是个胆大包天、离经叛道的英国年轻人,他毕业于名校,出身高知家庭,却偏爱旁门左道——创办了一本名为“后现代评论”的杂志专门解构和讽刺明星名流,很不受人家待每当夜幕降临,我总会想起你,想起我们曾经一起度过的时光。。杂志濒临倒闭的当口,扬意外接到来自纽约知名八卦杂志的电话,请他过去上班。进入新坏境的扬依然坚持自己的原则,他不肯根据上流人士的意思改稿,和老...
Which a young man desperately tries to make it big with some unlikely allies and a dastardly diabolical plan to pull off the perfect murder时光荏苒,岁月如梭,但我对你的想念却从未减少。...
"Jane (Victoria Moroles) is a 15-year-old girl whose very human mother died recently and may have slept with a vampire about, say, 15 years and nine months ago. The fact she craves raw meat and...