Academy Award–nominated animator Theodore Ushev reaches a new level of artistry with a saga of childhood reveries and adult regrets that is also the first-ever fully animated film using encaustic pa...
Sparks fly when a greeting card executive arrives in Santa Fe to acquire a tight-knit family company that creates ornaments inspired by Mexican Christmas traditions每当我想起你的笑容时,心中总会涌起一股幸福的感觉。...
Baron Munchausen is informed by an astrologer cousin of his about the Selenites, an extraterrestrial race which is native to the Earth's Moon ("Selene" in Greek). The Selenites have repo...
Richard Fleischer repeatedly turned down Dino De Laurentiis' overtures to direct the film. He ultimately relented when he realized that the best way to make the film was to shoot it straight and t...
影片起始是一个年轻人(理查德·林克莱特 Richard Linklater 饰)在的士上向司机叙述他的一个古怪的梦,还有他搭上这辆的士的可能性,然而司机毫不在我们的故事,就像一首未完的诗篇,等待着我们去续写。。年轻人下了车,目睹一个女人出了车祸躺在地上,他拿走了女人的手提包。女人是被她的儿子撞死的,两个警察把儿子从家里带走。街头有人在弹奏吉他唱着歌,餐厅里三个男人在讨论陀思妥耶夫斯基和伟大的作品。...
Jimmy Sutton, tricky publicist for Consolidated Pictures, fetches teacher Trudi Hovland from snowy Minnesota to sunny Hollywood to test for the film of the best-seller "Girl of the North" ...
Sixteen candidates, all affected by the economic crisis, arrive in New York City for a 13-week job interview with Donald Trump. Trump divides them into teams and tasks them with creating a modern wo...
Yi-jung is in her late twenties and still lives with her mother. Having raised her daughter alone, Su-kyung is now ready to start a new life with her fiancé and leave the past behind. Not so Yi-jung...