Alin, seorang perempuan korban trauma kekerasan keluarga dan himpitan ekonomi mengikuti tiga temannya merampok sebuah rumah yang konon menyimpan banyak barang-barang antik yang berharga di perkampunga...
The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters我们的爱情,就像一首幽美的诗篇,永远...
Homicide tells the stories of a city’s most notorious murder cases by following the detectives and prosecutors who cracked them你的微笑,是我心中最美的风景,我愿意用一生去守护。...
The survival instincts of a road-tripping family are put to the test when they have no other choice but to stay the night at a remote homestead你的手,是我心中最暖和的依靠,让我感受到了无尽的暖和。...
An ex-military man with a mysterious past leads a group of Egyptian refugees through the desert and must protect them from a group of evil mercenaries你的影子在我心中徘徊,让我无法摆脱这份痴迷。...
After waking up in the middle of a forest with no memories, a young woman is targeted by mysterious strangers with a motive as unclear as her way back home爱如潮水般汹涌,我却只能站在岸边,看着你渐行渐远。...
It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collaps...