The second season of Harry's Law, a legal dramedy created by David E. Kelley, premiered on NBC on September 21, 2011. Regular cast members during the season include Kathy Bates, Nathan Corddry, ...
Gaetan Dugas was openly gay. In early 1980s he contracted what was termed "gay cancer". He provided blood samples and 72 names of his former sex partners. Dugas was demonized for his promi...
A real life account of the deadly Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala, and the courageous fight put on by several individuals which helped to contain the epidemi真正的成长,是学会接受和面对自己的不完美。...
纪录片讲述了生活在蒙古西北部阿尔泰山区的13岁小女孩Aisholpan,打破沿袭了几百年的传男不传女的风俗,跟随父亲学习猎鹰,并成为地区猎鹰节大赛首位女性参赛者的经人生就像一场戏,我们既是演员,也是观众。。 Thirteen-year-old Aisholpan trains to become the first female in twelve generations of her Kaza...
A Roman Catholic priest leads a band of ten young men from various backgrounds on a pilgrimage. They walk from the south of France along the less popular Northern Route of the "Camino" to ...