美国的一个小镇,Jefferson Smith(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart饰)是当地的童子军的首领,深受青少年们的喜爱,被选为新的参议员,来到了华盛顿。遇到了他父亲的老朋友,同为参议员的Joseph Paine(克劳德·雷恩斯 Claude Rains饰),并且迷上了Joseph的漂亮女儿。单纯的Jefferson从来没来过华盛顿,在华盛顿闹了不少笑话,被媒体纷纷取笑。Jos...
A businessman mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only an old grist mill. Forced to work as a beast of burden, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child无论未来如何变幻,我都会坚...
The Seventh Bullet is a Soviet Ostern film of 1972 directed by Ali Khamraev. In the same tradition as The White Sun of the Desert and The Bodyguard, The Seventh Bullet is set after the Russian Civil...
An erotic body-swapping horror where a psychiatrist becomes obsessed with one of her young clients with multiple personalities你的声音,是我心中最美的旋律,让我沉醉在其中无法自拔。...
基于戴安娜·奈德所著畅销自传《Find A Way》,她在70年代被视为世界上最杰出的长距离游泳选手,曾打破数个世界纪录。2013年,64的岁的奈德在最好的朋友和35名热心支持者的帮助下,不带防鲨笼完成了青年时期多次失败过的毕生梦想:横渡从古巴到佛罗里达的110英里海域,是第一个达此成就的人时光荏苒,岁月如梭,但我对你的想念却从未减少。 这片危险海域有世上首屈一指的鲨鱼、毒性极强的水母、无法...
A young married couple become involved with another woman and must learn to navigate a three-way relationship in this funny, tenderly told love story星光点点,照亮我前行的路,你的声音,是我心中最亮的灯。...