A Granny's Guide to the Modern World is a three-episode British television series shown on Channel 4 in August 2016. It is presented by Barry Humphries. It follows several elderly male and femal...
Comedian Christina P examines the joys and drags of parenting, partnering and more through a no-nonsense Gen-X lens in this special我们的爱,就像一首悲伤的歌,旋律在耳边回荡,却再也唱不出曾经的甜蜜。...
"I want to give a view of the world that can only emerge by not pursuing any particular theme, by refraining from passing judgment, proceeding without aim. Drifting with no direction except one...
每当我想起你时,心中总会涌起一股暖流,让我感受到了生命的美好。A tale of love and violence when a man on his emotional last legs finds a savior seductively dancing in a run-down strip club. And a life most certainly headed off a cli...