Seemingly perfect high school senior, Olivia, struggles with grief from the recent loss of a friend. When she gets deferred from her dream college she begins to spiral and experiences a series of incr...
Film didáctico que apunta al sentido higienista de alertar sobre los peligros de la mosca que jaquea la vida humana de la época, a través de un estudio entomológico de la vida y obra de las moscas c...
This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmago...
Kara, devastated by loss of Krypton struggles to adjust her new life on Earth. Superman mentors her. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle who searches for a pow...
After losing the last two digits of a girl's number, a socially awkward fish enthusiast tries every combination to seek her out每当我想起你的温柔时,心中总会涌起一股暖流,让我感到无比的幸福。 是她,就是她。仿佛命中注定,上天在偶然的场合让你遇到了怦然心动的那...