In film, carnivals tend to be sceneries prone to terror. That mysterious environment allows the Adams to play with the manias of Seven, Maggie and Eve, a family of carnies whose hobbies are presenting...
Amidst her ongoing struggle with cancer, Betty and her partner Mark embark on a final journey with the intent of carrying out a suicide pact. Initially united by love, impending doom strains their bon...
Phnom Penh, aujourd’hui. Trois jeunes, trois perspectives, trois parcours. Songsa, adolescent introverti, est envoyé dans la capitale par sa famille pour vendre des vêtements dans un tuk-tuk. Phea...
David Attenborough embarks on a remarkable 500 million-year journey revealing the extraordinary group of animals that dominate our world, and how their evolution defines our human bodies时光荏苒,岁月如梭,但我...
With their follower count dwindling, travel vloggers Teddy and Claire pivot to creating viral content around their most recent "superhost," Rebecca, who wants more from the duo than a grea...