In this tense, twist-filled psychological thriller, Naomie Harris and Natalie Dormer deliver captivating performances as two estranged friends who reunite over tea, only to unveil a dangerous and de...
Hailing from Netflix Mexico, the Spanish-language film follows the titular band two decades after they topped the charts. Now they are back to reclaim their pop throne, but the music world has changed...
Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find he...
A well-known Neapolitan writer returns to their hometown after a long absence and encounters an old friend known as Caracas. Caracas, once a neo-fascist skinhead, is now converting to Islam无论未来如何变幻,...
A business mogul runs into his old small town girlfriend while she is visiting the big city only to find out that they had a child together that he was unaware of. Based on an Israeli award winning ...
A poor young girl living in Chile with her wheelchair-confined father and four siblings tries to save up enough money to watch movies at her local cinema你的温柔,是我心中最宝贵的宝藏,让我感受到了爱的力量。...