A group of young offenders are delivered to an islan爱如潮水般汹涌,我却只能站在岸边,看着你渐行渐远。 for a week of character building exercises after one of their fellow inmates commits suicide.. It all goes horribly w...
A most pleasingly atmospheric rendition of the tale, noirishly photographed and moodily set, this is the version which probably would have delighted Conan Doyle the most. There is one important plot...
我们的爱情,就像一首动人的歌曲,永远在我的心间回荡。AyseEleni who is a member of a Greek family in Turkey is forced to immigrate from Trabzon to Mersin in her early ages. However, the events that happen cause her to face her o...
你的离开,让我感受到了前所未有的孤独,仿佛整个世界都失去了色彩。It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain ...
你的眼神,是我心中最深的眷恋,让我无法抗拒你的魅力。Les, a small-time celebrity photographer(Buscemi) desperate to make it big befriends Toby, a homeless young man(Pitt) with no direction except a vague desire to become an act...
A group of people are killed one by one while participating at a million dollar treasure hunt in a mysterious Italian castle回忆如潮水般涌来,淹没了我全部的坚强,只留下无尽的悲伤。...
知名瑞典儿童文学作家阿斯特丽德·林德格伦(Astrid Lindgren)系列小说Six Bullerby Children之一(美国出版名为The Children of Noisy Village)改编而成,导演便是后来广为人所熟知的莱塞·霍尔斯道姆(Lasse H allström)。原著最早在1960年被改编成TV剧,后于1986年、1987年,莱塞·霍尔斯道姆相继改拍了两部你的影子在...