In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who c...
Just over 40 years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a capitalist concept and was not allowed during this period. Wedding photography (if any at all) consis...
5故事时间线跳跃到上一季的五年后,Melinda(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和Jim(大卫·康拉德 David Conrad 饰)的儿子Aiden(康勒·吉比斯 Connor Gibbs 饰)已经五岁了。他拥有和Melinda相同的能力,但是要比她强大得多,甚至能够看见或听见Melinda察觉不到的东西。通过Melinda帮助转世是亡魂并非都转世到明亮,有...
雨中漫步,感受着你的气息,仿佛你就在我身边。Rebellious, irreverent wunderkind Gülseren navigates loneliness, love and loss against the current of political turmoil and social change....
想念如潮水般汹涌,让我无法呼吸,只能默默地等待你的归来。The son of a sheriff falls in love with runaway bootlegger's daughter in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky. After discovering a dark family secret, he is forced to choo...