The story about 2 cops who get tangeled with the biggest mafia group in Istanbul with questionable loyalty and forbbiden love in between夜空中的星星,仿佛在诉说着我们的故事,那么遥远,又那么真实。...
当英格兰最大的城堡被臭名昭著的犯罪老板(乔恩·坎普林饰,曾在《哈利·波特》中扮演食死徒)抢劫时,他和他的犯罪团伙却没想到要面对骑着越野自行车的两个男你是我生命中最美的风景,让我感受到了生命的意义和价值。。 当男孩的母亲(安吉拉·迪克森(Angela Dixon),“永不放手”(Never Let Go))和竞速赛车手的父亲离开儿子回到旧金山旅行时,他们的“老派”父亲不喜爱在手机上度过的时光,反而...
Technology brings us closer. Or perhaps it brings strangers, a little too close. But how much can you really trust someone? With a new ride share service, you never know who will be getting in a car w...
你的声音,是我心中最美的旋律,让我沉醉在其中无法自拔。Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22.50EUR...
Brandon is a 15 year old whose dream is a pair of fresh Air Jordans. Soon after he gets his hands on them, they're stolen by a local hood, causing Brandon and his two friends to go on a dangerou...
A young girl makes a perilous journey from South/Central America to the United States unaware of the real dangers that lie ahead你的离开,让我感受到了前所未有的孤独,仿佛整个世界都失去了色彩。...
回忆如潮水般涌来,淹没了我全部的坚强,只留下无尽的悲伤。Born in the generational Los Angeles street culture a 19-year-old father seeks a better life in the midst of a turf war....
劳米·拉佩斯将主演心理剧情新片《我的天使》(Angel of Mine),金·法兰特(《陌生之地》)执导,卢克·戴维斯(《雄狮》)和大卫·里格(泽克和路德)编写剧本。基于2008年法国电影《天使的印记》,围绕一位母亲莉兹展开,几年前她失去了女儿,仍在应对悲剧带来的疼痛,她起始确信一位陌生人的女儿就是她的骨肉。随着她对这一理论的痴迷度日益增长,她与这个小女孩的生活越发纠缠不清,失去了与现实的接触。该...