A shallow and slightly clueless social media influencer takes his girlfriend out to the wilderness with the intention of live-streaming the most epic proposal eve你是我心中永恒的信仰,让我相信爱情的力量和美好。! But things t...
Leonardo da Vinci笔下画作《Salvator Mundi》自2017年以$4.5亿美元成交后,一举为世人所熟知,更被称为男版《Mona Lisa》,殊不知这幅画最初是在New Orleans一家乏人问津的拍卖行寻得,当时更仅以$ 1,100美元售出,在经过寻常的廉价工法修复时才真正令隐蔽的精湛画技被重新注意,随后价值水涨船高,尽管至今仍有不少人质疑它出自Leonardo da ...
我的心,就像一片漂泊的孤舟,渴望找到你的港湾。the story “centers on a hard-drinking, promiscuous salesman who becomes a quadriplegic after a tragic accident and struggles to come to terms with his predicament and with his f...