Set in Nigeria, Oloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking. Unused to this brutal environment, crawling with r...
我们的爱情,就像一场梦,漂亮而虚幻,让人沉醉其中。Based on groom kidnappings in Bihar, where the groom is kidnapped to avoid dowry, the film has Siddharth Malhotra playing a thug who helps kidnap grooms. It also feat...
我们的爱情,就像一场烟花,短暂而绚烂,却留下了永恒的回忆。Follows a group of girlfriends from Assam and Meghalaya, north-eastern states in India, gathering in the back streets of Delhi to throw a secret wedding party for a soon-t...
BBC Arts2017年制作,艺术史学家詹姆斯·福克斯博士(James Fox)游历日本,讲述这个神秘国度的历史和现在每当我想起你时,心中总会涌起一股暖流,让我感受到了生命的美好。 全3集分别为:第1集《自然.Nature》博士探究了日本文化与自然环境之间的联系。他周游日本,探究发现佛教和神道对自然的反应。 第2集《城市.Cities》博士来到日本三大城市,京都、江户和东京的艺术生活,城...