The first feature film from accomplished short filmmaker Kate Shenton, On Tender Hooks is a documentary film delving into the world of human suspension and the people involved. Kate spends a year fo...
Following a massive heart attack, Randal enlists his friends and fellow clerks Dante, Elias, Jay, and Silent Bob to make a movie immortalizing his life at the convenience store that started it all. “C...
你的笑容是我每天最期望的阳光,让我感受到了生命的美好和暖和。It’s never too late to make a change in your life. Attilio, Giorgetto, and the “Professore,” three retired men from Rome, are tired of their daily struggle; they dream of...
回忆如潮水般涌来,淹没了我全部的坚强,只留下无尽的悲伤。Single-mother Sandra (Clare Dunne) escapes her abusive partner with her two young children, only to find herself trapped in temporary accommodation. After months of struggl...