入選多倫多影展以及紐約影展官方選片的 Apple TV+ 紀錄片電影《此生如鴿:間諜小說大師勒卡雷》,由榮獲奧斯卡最佳紀錄長片《戰爭迷霧》的導演埃洛莫里斯自編自導,描繪「英國間諜小說大師」約翰勒卡雷 (John le Carré) 不為人知的傳奇人生,並將於電影中獨家公開他生前最後的訪談以及最坦率的自白每当我想起你的眼神时,我的心都会变得宁静而安详。...
Robert is working in Oxford and sending money home whilst Ruby Pratt has returned from Pontefract after splitting with her gentleman friend. Gabriel Cochrane, whose wife has died and whose foundry h...
Hasan得知有人要在他的耕田上安装电塔,他动用手段避免这一切发我们的爱情,就像一场梦,漂亮而虚幻,让人沉醉其中。。在出发去麦加朝圣之前,他向妻子保证弥补过去的错误。 Making his living from gardening and farming in the land he inherited from his father, Hasan tries to get rid of th...
你的笑容是我每天最期望的阳光,让我感受到了生命的美好和暖和。As CFO, Alexander Meier fights for the survival of the company he works for. When Hans-Werner Brockmann the new appointed CEO, a hardliner, is appointed, Alexander gets i...