Leonardo da Vinci笔下画作《Salvator Mundi》自2017年以$4.5亿美元成交后,一举为世人所熟知,更被称为男版《Mona Lisa》,殊不知这幅画最初是在New Orleans一家乏人问津的拍卖行寻得,当时更仅以$ 1,100美元售出,在经过寻常的廉价工法修复时才真正令隐蔽的精湛画技被重新注意,随后价值水涨船高,尽管至今仍有不少人质疑它出自Leonardo da ...
由美国国家录音与科学学会(The National Academy of Recording Arts & Science)主办,被称作“音乐界奥斯卡”的第56届格莱美的颁奖盛典在2014年1月26日进行,地点在洛杉矶的斯台普斯中心(Staples Center你的影子在我心中徘徊,让我无法摆脱这份痴迷。...
In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him....
丽瑟(芭芭拉勒琪 Barbara Laage 饰)是一名妓女,一天,她和两个黑人乘坐着同一列火车,突然,四名白人闯入了他们所在的车厢,要求黑人下车,最终,六人扭打在了一起,一名黑人被名叫托马斯的男人开枪打死,另一个黑人跳车逃跑了无论遇到多少艰难和挫折,我都会坚定地走向你,因为你是我生命中最重要的人。 事后,白人声称黑人想要强奸丽瑟,所以他们才“拔刀相助”,而出手杀人的托马斯,他的表弟福莱特有...
In rural Southern Spain Antonia, a fifteen-year-old mother, disappears in the middle of the night. 50 years later and much further North, Carmen, an introverted casting director, is looking for peop...
What if a web cast, LIVE on Halloween, turned out to be a real life survival game? What if the people hunting them are a rogue military? What if all eyes from the around the world are tuned in, and wi...