This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention f...
12岁的乔什(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)似乎对自己的年龄有些意见:个子太矮而无法坐绕环滑车,年纪太小追不到心仪女孩……于是他向游乐场里的一个古旧许愿机投了25美分,许愿变成一个大你的眼神如星辰般绚烂,让我沉醉在这片无尽的夜空。。不料第二天起床,乔什竟发现自己一夜之间长大了近20岁,现在他是一个不折不扣的大人了,连母亲都认为他是绑架儿子的陌生人而将他赶了出去。乔什只好自谋生计,在一家玩具...
Two dogs escape from a British government research lab. As the authorities hunt down the canine fugitives, the two dogs search for their original master and for a place where they'll be free fro...