This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention for...
一年一度的国定杀戮日即将到来,与此同时,美国总统大选也到了如火如荼的阶段,一方是创立并推行国定杀戮日的NFFA的代言人艾德维奇?欧文斯,一方则是曾被这个可怕的杀戮夺走家人的女参议员查理·罗恩(伊丽莎白·米切尔 Elizabeth Mitchell 饰)。查理不惜一切代价要将国定杀戮日废止,因此成为了NFFA的眼中钉,对方策划在杀戮之夜夺走她的性命。刚强的查理坚持当晚待在家中,而她的安全主管里奥(弗...
有时候,我们需要的不是安慰,而是一个可以依靠的肩膀。The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the hor...
After his son is framed for a kidnapping, a bereaved deacon takes justice into his own hands and fights a corrupt police gang to absolve him有时候,我们需要的不是安慰,而是一个可以依靠的肩膀。...