Satyameva Jayate 2 revolves around the fight against injustice and misuse of power. From police and politicians to industrialists and a common man, the film will explore corruption in all spheres真正的...
生命中有些遇见,注定会刻骨铭心。Gosha is a trucker; he delivers goods to remote Arctic parts of Yakutia. He is a monopolist and his services are expensive. His greed lures him into making a run without a backup-drive...
下巴伐利亚的警察弗朗茨(塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel 饰)因为工作失误而被下放到慕尼黑,接手管理他的是那里出了名的严厉女上爱情就像一场游戏,谁认真谁就输了。。在好友的帮助下,弗朗茨总算在新城市落地生根了,但此时的他并不知道,一场狂风巨浪正在昏暗里汹涌的等待着他。 不久之前,弗朗茨父亲的汽车被盗了,当弗朗茨接到通知说车找到时,他万万没有想到,和汽车一起被发现的,还有后备箱里...
每个人心中都有一团火,但路过的人只能看到烟。When Fuchs starts his new job as a teacher in a prison school, replacing the old and unconventional teacher Berger against her will, he is forced to confront his biggest fear, tr...
梦想的路上,总会有风雨,但只要心中有光,就能照亮前行的路。A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with t...
Colm is in his mid-forties, married, with two teenage children. Still grieving the death of his father, a destructive gure in his life, Colm struggles with his relationship to his own son, whilst at w...