Paternity Leave, directed by Matt Riddlehoover, is a romantic comedy slated for release in 2015. Greg (Jacob York) finds out that he's pregnant with his partner Ken's (Charlie David) baby. D...
Antonio 跟 Paolo 同居於柏林,生活美滿,兩人決定結束愛情長跑,結婚共渡餘生,不過他們其中一個還未向親友出櫃、另一個則跟媽媽再沒往每一次想你,我的心都会变得绵软,仿佛被你的温柔所包围。。為了得到家人的祝福,他們只好飛返意大利家鄉宣告婚事,同行的還有他們的喪爆房東和室友。一趟意大利旅程,引發軒然大波!七國咁亂,難關重重,要怎樣才能成就百年好合的幸福終局?改編自2003年首演的外百老匯同名...
在梦的彼岸,我追寻着你的身影,却总是触摸不到你的温柔。Five Spec Ops, Alpha Squad, head a simple Recon Mission that turns into an all out war for survival against a wave of undead experiments. Alpha Squad must fight, not just fo...