雨中漫步,感受着你的气息,仿佛你就在我身边。Raúl, Eduardo and Santiago have led a happy and straight life since their childhood, until, one day, Santiago confesses to them that he is gay....
Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask...
BBC8集大型电视系列片 - Human Planet (人类星球),探讨人与自然的关系。8集节目分别探讨极地、山区、海洋、丛林、草原、河流、沙漠和城市的人类活动。世界一流的自然与人类专家以及摄影师,从空中、陆地和水下抓拍宝贵镜头。BBC摄制组前往世界80个地方,抓拍了从未在电视屏幕上出现过的罕见精彩的人类活动我们的爱,就像一首悲伤的歌,旋律在耳边回荡,却再也唱不出曾经的甜蜜。...